If I qualify: How do I get an application?
Do you fund outside of Illinois?
Yes, we fund outside of Illinois.
Do you fund outside of the United States?
We consider funding in countries where a board member has direct knowledge of Non-U.S. applicants.
How many grant cycles do you have per year?
We have one grant cycle. We accept proposals from October 1 to March 1 at 4:00 p.m. CST of the following year.
Is there a limit to the amount requested?
There is not a limit; however, on average, our grants range from $5,000 to $25,000.
Can you help us choose a program that would best fit with the Foundation preferences?
Our staff cannot help you choose a program. We ask that your request be for a program you feel has the greatest need.
Can more than one application be submitted from our organization?
Only one application will be accepted from an institution per grant year.
Does the Foundation accept multiple year requests?
The Foundation only accepts requests for one year of funding.
We have had a change in personnel. How do I log into our account?
Call our office at 847-559-7430 so that we can update your account.
How do I see the status of my grant after I have applied?
The status of your grant is on your account portal. You will see where the application is in our review process (draft, submitted, or complete) but no decision will be made or reflected on your account until mid-October.
I received a grant last year and need to submit a Final Report. When is it due and how do I submit it?
Final reports are due on December 1. Sign into your account portal to complete the Final Report or click here to be taken to the Logon Page.
I did not spend all the funds received in my grant. What should I do?
Any portion of a grant that is not used for the designated purpose within one year from receipt must be disclosed in writing to the Foundation.